Mental health screening

If you think you or someone you know might benefit from mental health services, an interactive online screening is a good place to start. This quick and easy quiz can help determine if professional mental health support is the right fit for your needs. All responses are confidential and anonymous, and can help connect you with helpful community programs, organizations and resources.

Start your screening

Do I need a screening?

If you’re constantly feeling down, worried, alone or overwhelmed, a mental health screening may be able to offer the answers you’re looking for. After responding to a few simple questions, you’ll have a better understanding of whether or not your thoughts and feelings indicate a treatable mental health issue.

How does it work?

This online questionnaire will guide you through a series of questions, asking you to select the answers that correspond most closely with your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. All responses are completely confidential and it is important that you are honest. This is the best way to get accurate results.

Where can I get treatment?

There are many qualified mental health service providers available in Stark County. You can reach out to these agencies directly to request an evaluation, or call the United Way 2-1-1 hotline for information and referrals.