The Gentle Shepherd Counseling Center

Licensed counselors treating and diagnosing mental health conditions.

Support Groups: Contact for information about joining.

  • Men’s Sexual Addiction Recovery Group
    Ongoing every Tuesday 6:30-8:00pm
    ​This therapy group is designed for men seeking to overcome a variety of unwanted sexualized behaviors. It is confidential, faith-based, and emphasizes healing from sexual brokenness, shame and guilt. The recovery process encourages personal integrity and healthy connections with other men. Membership is screened by the facilitating counselor, Dr. Rick McQuistion.
  • Women’s Partners of Men with Sexual Integrity Issues Therapeutic Group
    Ongoing Thursdays 6:00-7:30pm
    ​This therapy group is designed for women with partners who struggle with sexual integrity issues. Topics that are frequently covered include: betrayal trauma & triggers, boundaries, anger, grief, sexual intimacy, and rebuilding trust. This group is confidential, faith-based, and joy-filled. May women have commented it’s the first place they have found support and begun to realize they are not alone on this healing journey.

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