Many Stark County community members choose to expand their families through fostering and adoption. For children who need a stable home, the permanent care of adoption or the temporary safe haven of fostering can help. Even if you are not sure if fostering or adoption is the right path for you, find information to help you learn about the options available.
Most children who are eligible for adoption in Stark County are over the age of six and have experienced some level of trauma, abuse, neglect or loss. Despite these experiences, they are just like any other children. They play, laugh, learn and value friendships. Some may need specialized services to help them reach their full potential, but they all deserve the love and support of family.
Are you interested in learning more about adoption services in Stark County? All children have hopes of being welcomed into permanent, loving and committed families. Whether you are pregnant and exploring your options or an aspiring adoptive parent, find local resources to offer support, knowledge and assistance throughout the process.
Read moreChildren who are part of the foster care system in Stark County will eventually reach the age of 18 and age out of the program. Just like anyone else, these young adults may have medical and mental health care needs. But unlike other young people, once they age out of foster care, they no longer…
Read moreIf you are unsure about the family planning methods available to you and want to learn more about your options, you are not alone. Find local resources, programs and community organizations providing reproductive health services for individuals and couples in Stark County.
Read moreIn some instances, a child who has experienced trauma or another mental health challenge may struggle to cope as they get older. If your child seems to be battling feelings of hopelessness, sadness or difficult behaviors, consider seeking the help of a mental health support provider in Stark County. Start early with mental health support…
Read moreNothing prepares you for parenthood. Parenting has been called the ultimate long-term investment. It's one of the most complex and challenging jobs you'll face in your lifetime – and also the most rewarding. Find local resources to help you navigate parenthood in Stark County.
Read moreEducation resources are available to support the behavior, emotional wellbeing and academic performance of children throughout Stark County. Find programs and services dedicated to providing a strong educational foundation for local students of all ages and abilities.
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