Here's what we found for you

There are 19 topics and 31 local resources that match your search for Employment.
  • Employment resources
    Whether you are a young person looking for a part-time job, a parent who is out of work or an individual with disabilities planning for independence, resources are available to help you navigate the job search.
    • Employment services: young adults

      Securing meaningful employment is key to achieving independence and financial freedom. For young adults starting out in Stark County, it can be helpful to get assistance from community employment programs. Taking advantage of job-seeking classes, skills training and job placement services will help increase the likelihood of getting a good, stable job. Find local resources that that provide employment assistance and help prepare young people for employment success.

      • Re-entering the community
        Re-entering the community after jail time is no easy task. After being released, young people often struggle to find a place in society and require critical services and supports. They may benefit from programs to help rebuild family relationships, reintegrate into school and access public benefits, housing and employment.
        • Looking for Work in Stark County, Ohio Without a Degree: Opportunities, Resources, and Tips

          Stark County offers a wealth of employment opportunities across various industries, many of which don’t require any more than a High School Diploma or GED. From manufacturing to healthcare, retail, and tourism, the job market in the area is rich and diverse. In this article, we’ll explore the industries in Stark County and the resources available for a successful job search that doesn’t require a college degree.

          Manufacturing in Stark County

          Stark County has a deep-rooted history in manufacturing,

          • Peer pressure
            Every young person experiences the pull of peer influence at one point or another. During the teen years, when the desire to conform is heightened, it can be tough to resist joining in the same risky behavior as one’s friends, peers and classmates. But doing so can have harmful and lasting consequences.
            • Developmental disabilities: young adults

              The journey to adulthood can be challenging for anyone, and especially for young people with developmental disabilities. From securing employment and managing health care responsibilities to finding accessible housing and transportation, there is a lot to learn to ensure a smooth transition. To plan for success in the adult world, community resources are available. Learn about the advocates and supporters helping to empower young adults with disabilities in Stark County, Ohio.

              • Mental health: young adults

                Teens and young adults who have diagnosable mental illnesses may have difficulty managing daily life functions, including securing housing, employment and education without assistance. Fortunately, Stark County has many mental health and independent living programs available to help support young people as they transition to adulthood.

                • Transportation: young adults

                  Early adulthood marks an exciting and challenging time as young people move toward independent living and financial freedom. But without dependable transportation, young adults face obstacles in finding and sustaining meaningful employment. Reliable transportation is important for accessing opportunity and staying connected to the community. Discover what local programs and services are available to address your transportation needs.

                  • Gangs & violence: young adults

                    While teens involved with violence and gang activity do face consequences, the punishments are much more severe once they reach adulthood. In addition to risking your own life, you may be putting your friends and family at risk. Not to mention the potential for years of prison time and lost employment opportunities. But that doesn’t have to be your future. Not with the support available in our community. 

                    • Transportation: youth & teens

                      Reliable transportation to school, work and other activities is critical for youth and teens. Without access to consistent transportation, the ability to maintain regular school attendance and employment is limited. Fortunately, there are affordable transportation services that offer easy, convenient access to school and other locations throughout Stark County. For those who qualify, free transportation to medical appointments may also be available.

                      • Suicide prevention: young adults

                        The transition to adulthood is a time of significant changes and challenges. As you seek full-time employment, experience changes in your relationships and move toward independent living, life can feel overwhelming. No matter why you are hurting, it is important to remember you are not alone. Find mental health service providers and emotional support resources for young adults in Stark County. Call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 if you need immediate assistance.

                        • Public Transportation
                          Before you ride, you can view bus schedules and area maps to shopping centers, medical facilities, restaurants, grocery stores, schools, places of employment and other areas of interest. Find a transportation route that can get you to your desired destination.
                          • Health & insurance: young adults

                            For some young adults who do not receive benefits through their employers, purchasing medical insurance can be a hardship. Yet, it’s vital to secure health care coverage to stay healthy and offset large medical expenses. The Ohio Medicaid program offers those who qualify a way to obtain state-funded medical insurance, which provides coverage for many important health care services at little or no cost to the individual. Learn what Medicaid benefits could mean for you.

                            • Legal assistance: young adults

                              While youth ages 18 to 25 are still developing into mature and self-sufficient adults, many laws and policies begin treating them as adults at age 18. Poor decisions made during this time can have life-long consequences and may make it more difficult to access employment, housing and other basic needs later on. Seek out local legal assistance for the complex challenges these transition-age youth face, including record expungement eligibility.

                              • Developmental Disabilities Family Support

                                Caring for a child with developmental disabilities can be a significant financial and emotional challenge. Stark Help Central has gathered together some of the most common resources to help you provide the care your child needs. From transportation and child care to cash, food and employment support, learn about the resources available to you.

                                For more information on how to apply for accessible plates or windshield placards, visit

                                Resources for Individuals &

                                • Hard times: early childhood

                                  Young children need proper nutrition and medical care in order to grow, develop and thrive. When a household is in financial crisis, it can have serious, long-term health, social and behavioral implications throughout their lives. Fortunately, families in Stark County are not alone in facing these challenges. There are local agencies dedicated to providing food, clothing, shelter and cash assistance to those who are experiencing hard times.

                                  Even parents who are employed with steady incomes may struggle to make ends meet when they have child.

                                  • Introducing
                           provides information and support to youth, young adults and engaged members of our community.
                                    • How to be an advocate for youth in your Stark County community
                                      Learn how you can find and share resources to be an advocate for youth in your Stark County community.
                                      • Foster Children: Aging Out Resources

                                        Children who are part of the foster care system in Stark County will eventually reach the age of 18 and age out of the program. Just like anyone else, these young adults may have medical and mental health care needs. But unlike other young people, once they age out of foster care, they no longer have the same financial and emotional backing at home.

                                        Unfortunately, these young people rarely receive the emotional and behavioral health services they need because of a lack of insurance and family support.

                                        • Early Childhood (Ages 0 - 3)
                                        • Childhood (Ages 4 - 10)
                                        • Youth & Teens (Ages 11 - 17)

                                      OhioMeansJobs Stark County

                                      Northeastern Ohio’s premier workforce development and training centers that connects job seekers with employers by providing numerous resources in a single location

                                      Serving Stark County employers and job seekers with access to all community partner programs, education, training, counseling and employment opportunities.


                                      822 30th St. NW
                                      Canton, OH 44709
                                      Phone: (330) 433-9675
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                      9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                      9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                      9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                      9:00 am - 4:30 pm
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                                      Re-Entry Court

                                      Providing transitional support for felony offenders as they return to society, including:

                                      • Help with housing
                                      • Employment services
                                      • Anger management programs
                                      • Sex offender treatment

                                      Offer a yearlong program with four phases that begins during sentencing and continues throughout the transfer to a correctional facility, during incarceration and as the individual transitions back into the community.

                                      201 Cleveland Ave. SW
                                      Suite 105
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Phone: (330) 451-7186
                                      Learn more


                                      A non-profit helping high risk youth and those coming out of criminal justice system.

                                      412 Cole Ave. SW
                                      North Canton, OH 44720
                                      Phone: (330) 839-2078
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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                                      Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

                                      Helping to support Ohioans with disabilities as they achieve quality employment and independence:

                                      • Customized employment plans
                                      • Education
                                      • Social Security disability determination
                                      816 30th St. NW
                                      Canton, OH 44709
                                      Phone: (330) 438-0500
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                                      Vantage Aging

                                      For nearly 50 years, VANTAGE Aging has promoted successful aging by providing programs to support the needs of older adults wishing to age in place and live independently with dignity.

                                      Meals on Wheels and Home Wellness-  Health and wellness are important to the success of aging in place, and our Home Wellness Solutions and Meals on Wheels programs build on that concept by helping people remain at home by providing home-delivered meals, wellness checks,

                                      2363 Nave Rd SE
                                      Massillon, OH 44646
                                      Main Line: 330-515-5605
                                      Main Line: 330-515-5605
                                      Learn more

                                      Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

                                      Payments for medical services and lost wages resulting from injury, occupational illness and/or death during the course of employment.

                                      339 E. Maple St.
                                      Suite 200
                                      North Canton, OH 44720
                                      Phone: (330) 438-0638
                                      Learn more

                                      Veteran’s Service Commission of Stark County

                                      Provides VA Benefits Assistance, Financial Assistance, Medical Transportation, and Employment Resources to Stark County Veterans and their families.

                                      2955 Wise Ave. NW
                                      Canton, OH 44708
                                      Phone: (330) 451-7457
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                      1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                      1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                      1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                      1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                      1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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                                      Stark County Job & Family Services

                                      Report child abuse: 330-455-KIDS / 1-800-233-5437

                                      Partner with our customers, community and other service providers to protect children and vulnerable adults, stabilize and strengthen families, and encourage self-sufficiency and personal responsibility.

                                      • Cash assistance
                                      • Food assistance
                                      • Medicaid & Medical
                                      • Non-emergency transportation – Transportation to and from Medicaid-qualified appointments, including doctor visits, dental visits, vision appointments and more.
                                      • Child care services
                                      • Work experience program –
                                      221 3rd St. SE
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Toll free: 1 (888) 698-6893
                                      Toll free: 1 (888) 698-6893
                                      Local: (330) 452-4661
                                      TDD: (330) 451-8879
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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                                      Stark County Community Action Agency

                                      Emergency HEAP Appointment Line: 330-617-1055
                                      Summer & Winter Crisis

                                      Offers employment services, financial support and job counseling to the Stark County community.

                                      Head Start
                                      HWAP (Home Weatherization)
                                      Work Force Development

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                                      Massillon City School District

                                      Career Technical Education – Helping students to develop professional skills and experience to prepare them for future employment:

                                      • Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
                                      • Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
                                      • Skills USA
                                      • Business Professionals of America (BPA)
                                      • Educators Rising
                                      • Junior Achievement
                                      930 17th St. NE
                                      Massillon, OH 44646
                                      Phone: (330) 830-3900
                                      Learn more

                                      YWCA Alliance

                                      We improve Alliance area women’s lives, stand up for justice, and strengthen communities with a focus on three impact areas: equipping youth, economic stability and advancement and senior nutrition and health

                                      Provides transitional housing for women, a clothing boutique, employment and transportation assistance, youth programs, and Meals on Wheels for the senior community

                                      239 East Market St.
                                      Alliance, OH 44601
                                      Phone: (330) 823-1840
                                      Learn more

                                      Canton City School District

                                      Offers Adult Career & Technical Education – learn more at

                                      FREE Classes at Aspire of Stark County:

                                      • Earn a High School Equivalency Diploma (GED)
                                      • Improve English (ESOL-English for Speakers of Other Languages)
                                      • Prepare for pre-employment testing
                                      • Study for entrance exams
                                      • Brush up on skills for success in college or training programs
                                      • Improve your current job skills
                                      • Help your children with homework
                                      • Gain personal enrichment and satisfaction
                                      305 McKinley Ave. NW
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Phone: (330) 438-2500
                                      Adult Career & Technical Education: (330) 438-2556
                                      Adult Career & Technical Education: (330) 438-2556
                                      ASPIRE: (330) 438-2559
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                                      United Way of Greater Stark County

                                      Offers an Auto Repair Program through a partnership with Department of Job & Family Services

                                      Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) to help individuals file free tax returns

                                      401 Market Ave N
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Phone: (330) 491-0445
                                      Learn more

                                      Strengthening Stark

                                      Strengthening Stark is a community-wide movement for our growing community. As part of their mission, they are dedicated to getting Stark County residents into better jobs and training through their Stark Career Connect program. Learn more at their website.

                                      The Stark Jobs Platform site was created as a helpful tool for job hunters in the Stark County area. By breaking down employment opportunities by industry, location, and required qualifications, they hope to provide a comprehensive resource for those seeking jobs in Stark County.

                                      400 3rd Street, SE, Ste. 302
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Phone: (330) 453-5628
                                      Learn more

                                      CommQuest Canton

                                      Addiction and mental health counseling, psychiatric services, case management, education and employment services, hot meals, social center

                                      Learn more

                                      Restore Addiction Recovery

                                      Restore Addiction Recovery is a Christ-centered, Biblically-based, and Clinically-Supported 12-month residential program for men struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction. Our services are free and no insurance is needed to join. While in our program, men receive individualized care, including but not limited to: 1-1 counseling, life coaching and life skills, job training and employment through our community work program, mentorship, financial coaching, healthy community, and more. Our goal is to prepare each man for life outside of our doors and have lasting freedom from addiction.

                                      2650 Sanitarium Rd
                                      Akron, OH 44312
                                      Phone: 234-571-9503
                                      Phone: 234-571-9503
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                      8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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                                      Coleman Health Services – Alliance

                                      Offers comprehensive, whole person treatment to children, adults and families in the communities we serve – regardless of their ability to pay

                                      Delivers mental health, substance use, residential, and rehabilitation services

                                      Walk-in Clinic:

                                      Mon- Fri 11am – 12pm

                                      1410 West State St.
                                      Alliance, OH 44601
                                      Phone: (330) 823-6932
                                      Learn more

                                      Coleman Health Services – Canton

                                      Offers comprehensive, whole person treatment to children, adults and families in the communities we serve – regardless of their ability to pay

                                      Delivers mental health, substance use, residential, and rehabilitation services

                                      Walk-in Clinic: Mon- Fri 8am – 2pm

                                      400 Tuscarawas St. W
                                      Suite 200
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Phone: (330) 438-2400
                                      Learn more

                                      Goodwill Industries

                                      Local Goodwill organizations are innovative and sustainable social enterprises that create job training programs, employment placement and other community-based programs by selling donated clothing and household items. The Ken Weber Community Campus has walk-in services available Tuesdays and Thursdays for community resource connections. For further information on what Goodwill has to offer, please call our main campus or visit our website.

                                      Thrift Store Locations

                                      Main Campus: (330) 454-9461
                                      Main Campus: (330) 454-9461
                                      Learn more

                                      AT&T: Discounted Internet Services

                                      INTAKE PROCEDURE Visit website to check service availability and apply for the program. Call the Access Program for more information or with any questions. FEES Service availability and speed may vary by address.
                                      AT&T will assign the participant to the fastest of these speed tiers available where the participant lives.
                                      ELIGIBILITY – Must have one household member participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Also known as food stamps.
                                      – Available for households in the National School Lunch Program,
                                      Toll Free: (855) 220-5211 
                                      Toll Free: (855) 220-5211 
                                      Learn more

                                      Early Explorers Educational Child Care

                                      Supporting children, ages birth to 12, with hands-on activities necessary to strengthen social, emotional, physical and kinesthetic development.

                                      3775 Wales Ave. NW
                                      Massillon, OH 44646
                                      Phone: (330) 481-4097
                                      Learn more

                                      Camp Country Day

                                      Camps where children can feel safe to explore their interests in technology, sports, nature and the arts.

                                      3000 Demington Ave. NW
                                      Canton, OH 44718
                                      Phone: (330) 453-8279
                                      Learn more


                                      Empowering people through community services, family structure and function to build healthy self-esteem.

                                      1225 Gross Ave. NE, Canton, OH
                                      Canton, OH 44705
                                      Office: 330-806-6323
                                      Office: 330-806-6323
                                      Admin Cell: 234-458-4551
                                      Admin Cell: 234-458-4551
                                      Learn more

                                      Be a Better Me Foundation

                                      A community-based foundation designed to empower and encourage young people to see the good in themselves and others.

                                      1414 Market Ave N
                                      Canton, OH 44714
                                      Phone: (330) 754-6881
                                      Learn more

                                      TomTod Ideas

                                      Project launches, school-based partnerships and summer camps that empower middle school students to imagine the world as it could be and put those dreams into action.

                                      439 Market Ave N
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Phone: (330) 617-4753
                                      Learn more

                                      Community Legal Aid Services

                                      Providing legal counsel and assistance to low-income individuals and families in Northeast Ohio.

                                      Open Monday through Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm, closed for lunch 12pm – 1pm daily.

                                      401 Market Ave N, Suite 103
                                      Canton, OH 44702
                                      Toll-free: 1 (866) 584-2350
                                      Toll-free: 1 (866) 584-2350
                                      Local: (330) 456-8361
                                      Learn more

                                      Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio

                                      Serving Stark, Carroll, Tuscarawas, Harrison, and Jefferson Counties, Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio is driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live. People partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and purchase the homes with an affordable zero interest mortgage. Through financial support, volunteering, or adding a voice to support affordable housing, everyone can help families achieve the strength,

                                      1400 Raff Road SW
                                      Canton, OH 44710
                                      Primary Phone Line:: 330-915-5888
                                      Primary Phone Line:: 330-915-5888
                                      Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 8:30am to 4pm, and Saturday, 8:30am to 12pm
                                      Learn more

                                      GiGi’s Playhouse Canton – Down Syndrome Achievement Center

                                      GiGi’s Playhouse Canton is fulfilling the dream of the Down syndrome community of having a location where individuals with Down syndrome of all ages have a place to call their own, where they feel safe and can explore their abilities through proven programs with support and celebration. Parents no longer feel the anxiety of finding a place where their loved one will be unconditionally accepted and offered opportunity to become their best of all.

                                      Each participant will grow with the programs at their own pace and interact with their peers in an environment of celebration and achievement. 

                                      4061 Bradley Circle NW
                                      Canton, OH 44718
                                      Phone: (330) 493-9114
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                      10:00 am - 7:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                      9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                      Learn more

                                      Free Mom Hugs

                                      Free Mom Hugs in Ohio can be found at Pride and LGBTQ+ community-focused events across the state. Once you register with the Ohio group, they will connect you with the appropriate local chapter.

                                      Free Mom Hugs works to empower the world to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. We embrace people of all faiths, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations. Our goal is to change the world simply by showing up.

                                      Our goal is not to replace family relationships,

                                      Learn more

                                      Help Me Grow-Home Visiting

                                      Home Visiting is a voluntary, home-based program offered at no cost to your family.  Our home visitors are well-trained professionals who use a compassionate approach that offers information and support during pregnancy, and empowers you as the parent with skills, tools, and confidence to nurture the healthy growth of your child through the earliest years – a critical time of development.

                                      WHO SHOULD BE REFERRED?

                                      Pregnant women and families with young children.Supporting first-time parents with home visiting services for children up to 3 years old

                                      WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT?
                                      6057 Strip Ave NW
                                      North Canton, OH 44720
                                      Phone: 330-492-8136, ext. 1480
                                      Learn more

                                      Catholic Charities

                                      Emergency rental  assistance for Stark County residents (under 65): visit to fill out a pre-screening application 

                                      Through tangible assistance and other essential services, Catholic Charities affirms human dignity, meets basic human needs, strengthens families, builds communities, and empowers others to transform their lives.

                                      832 McKinley Ave NW
                                      Suite C
                                      Canton, OH 44703
                                      Phone: (330) 491-0896
                                      Hide HoursShow Hours
                                      8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                      8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                      8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                      8:30 pm - 4:30 pm
                                      8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                      Learn more