Pride Events in Ohio

Pride events are a fun, exciting way to support the LGBTQ+ community no matter your sexual orientation or gender identity. When people think about pride events, colorful parades in June (LGBT Pride Month) are probably the first things to come to mind. However, many organizers of pride events tie in educational events, fundraisers and more throughout the year.

Stark PRIDE Festival will take place June 8th, 2024

Stark Pride is a volunteer committee of diverse individuals that strives to be inclusive by welcoming people of all races, ages and backgrounds. Stark PRIDE Festival is generously supported by Queer In Canton.

Find all the festival details by visiting:

Other Pride Events

Stark Pride Festival

Local annual festival.

Akron Pride Festival

Promoting acceptance of all individuals by defending human equity. Find a list of events and fundraisers and learn how to get involved on their website.

Cincinnati Pride 

Celebrating and accepting all individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Find a list of Pride Week events and volunteer opportunities on their website.

Pride in the CLE

Bringing awareness, education and knowledge of the LGBTQ+ community to the general public in order to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in Cleveland. Learn about their march and festival on the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland’s website.

Columbus Pride

Festival, events and parade to celebrate LGBTQ+ pride in Columbus. Find more information on the events hosted by Stonewall Columbus on their website.

Mansfield Pride 

Parade and festival to raise awareness for LGBTQ+ issues. Find event details and learn more about the Mansfield Gay Pride Association on their website.

Sandusky Pride 

Supporting the LGBTQ+ community through awareness, education and celebration. Visit their website for a list of events and ways to get involved.

Toledo Pride

An annual area celebration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex and allied (LGBTQIA+) community. Find information on their main event and parade on the Toledo Pride website.

Youngstown Pride Festival 

Local festival to show support for local members of the LGBTQ+ community. Get updates on the Youngstown Pride Festival’s Facebook Page.