Here's what we found for you

There are 30 topics and 18 local resources that match your search for Basic needs.
  • Basic Needs: Early Childhood

    If you are looking for pregnancy support, have a young child at home or need financial assistance to make ends meet, finding help is easier than ever. Learn about programs and organizations committed to providing basic needs to growing families in Stark County. Because no baby should go without the necessary items for a healthy and safe start to life.

    • Basic Needs: Childhood

      In order to grow up happy and healthy, kids need a roof over their heads, food on the table and access to quality medical care. Unfortunately, this is not a reality for many of Stark County’s youngest residents. Find local organizations connecting children in our community with the basic items they need to thrive. Together, we can help keep our kids safe and supported.

      • Basic needs: youth & teens

        For adolescents in Stark County, growing up can be a challenge – especially when money is tight and support is not available at home. When youth and teens are struggling to meet their most basic needs, there are many local organizations they can turn to for help. Discover ways to access food, clothing and shelter for adolescents across Stark.

        • Basic needs: adulthood

          Stark County offers a wide range of basic needs services from food, medicine and family assistance as well as targeted services for veterans, those in substance abuse recovery, homeless persons, parents and more.

          • Clothing and Furniture Assistance

            If you or someone you know is in need of clothing or furniture assistance in Stark County, there is a network of community resources you can turn to for support. Whether you need baby, back-to-school, professional or everyday clothing, clothing resources are available here at home. If you’re moving into a new place can be intimidating when you’re not sure where to find affordable furniture. Below you’ll find places that can help you turn a house into a home,

            • Hard times: early childhood

              Young children need proper nutrition and medical care in order to grow, develop and thrive. When a household is in financial crisis, it can have serious, long-term health, social and behavioral implications throughout their lives. Fortunately, families in Stark County are not alone in facing these challenges. There are local agencies dedicated to providing food, clothing, shelter and cash assistance to those who are experiencing hard times.

              Even parents who are employed with steady incomes may struggle to make ends meet when they have child.

              • Hard times: childhood

                When families are dealing with a financial crisis, children are impacted whether we realize it or not. Most everyone in Stark County experiences the practical and emotional impacts of money troubles at one point or another, and it can be helpful to open up an honest dialogue with the entire household about the challenges. Talking about hardships could help children cope and even bring families closer.

                Although financial challenges affect everyone, they can still take a major toll when they hit close to home.

                • Hard times: youth & teens

                  When your family faces a job loss, medical issue or another significant financial setback, you might be shocked, confused and unsure where to turn. Fortunately, there are resources for young people and families who need emergency financial assistance in Stark County.

                  • Abuse & neglect: early childhood

                    Although they may not understand or be able to express what’s happened, infants can still be deeply affected by abuse and neglect. This early trauma can hinder a child’s physical, mental and emotional development, compromising their sense of safety and security. To help combat the negative impacts of early childhood abuse, it is important that babies and small children get the early intervention and support they need. Find local child protective services dedicated to survivors of abuse and neglect.

                    • How to Find Warming Centers This Winter
                      When freezing temperatures do occur, those who need a warm place to stay can watch for news regarding local warming centers.
                      • Where to Find Food and Meals for Thanksgiving

                        Updated 11.2023

                        For some families struggling with poverty and hunger, Thanksgiving can be a difficult holiday.  If you are dealing with food insecurity, need help with the expense of purchasing the needed ingredients for a special meal or are struggling with high medical bills, low wages, housing needs or other issues, we have gathered some valuable resources below.

                        Stark Help wants to help ensure everyone can enjoy the holiday, especially children.

                        • How students and families can find help for basic needs
                          Resources for basic needs are available for Stark County students during the school year. Watch this video to learn more.
                          • Dealing with Inflation: Making More with Less

                            Inflation has hit Stark County hard, especially at the grocery store. Many families are struggling to provide healthy and nutritious meals. There are several community food banks in the area to help with food assistance. Below is a list of food pantry resources for your family to receive help with food.

                            Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank

                            The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank offers pantry distributions all over Stark County. Visit their website for up-to-date distribution schedules.

                            • Stories of Self-Advocacy
                              Watch these videos from Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities to find out how young people with disabilities are advocating for themselves.
                              • How to Build Your Self-Esteem
                                Low self-esteem can affect many aspects of your life. Feel like you could improve your self-esteem? Here are some ways to start loving yourself more.
                                • Discover the Early Childhood Resource Center

                                  With a main office in Canton and additional sites in Akron and Boardman, the Early Childhood Resource Center may be one of this region’s best kept secrets. As part of its mission to promote the healthy development of young children, the organization offers numerous programs aimed at strengthening families; improving the quality of early childhood care and learning experiences; and increasing school and community readiness, while also helping to inform public policy.

                                  Assisting parents in finding child care,

                                  • Stark County CARE Teams cover basic needs so students can focus on academics
                                    Together, these professionals brainstorm ideas for ways to support children so they can do their best while they’re at school.
                                    • Introducing
                             provides information and support to youth, young adults and engaged members of our community.
                                      • Transportation Services

                                        For many Stark County residents, public transportation services are essential for their basic needs, including trips to work and medical appointments. Fortunately, local transportation resources are available to support low-income individuals as well as those with permanent disabilities. Find routes and more information for SARTA here.

                                        • Homeless & housing: young adults

                                          Young people between the ages of 18 and 25 can face significant obstacles as they move toward independent living. Whether you are aging out of foster care or struggling to achieve self-sufficiency with limited resources, you are not alone and help is available. Get started with local resources for basic needs and emotional support.

                                          • Legal assistance: young adults

                                            While youth ages 18 to 25 are still developing into mature and self-sufficient adults, many laws and policies begin treating them as adults at age 18. Poor decisions made during this time can have life-long consequences and may make it more difficult to access employment, housing and other basic needs later on. Seek out local legal assistance for the complex challenges these transition-age youth face, including record expungement eligibility.

                                            • Public Benefits Assistance: Application & Eligibility

                                              Navigating life’s challenges is difficult enough. We’re here to make finding help for basic needs simple. Learn how to apply for cash, food and/or medical assistance and get started today. Cases are processed in the order they are received, so it is important to start the process as soon as possible.

                                              Public assistance applications can take up to 30 days to complete. If you need immediate food, clothing, housing or medical help, please view these other resources:

                                              • How to be an advocate for youth in your Stark County community
                                                Learn how you can find and share resources to be an advocate for youth in your Stark County community.
                                                • Childhood neglect and abuse
                                                  When a parent or caregiver fails to provide the basic needs for a child to grow up happy and healthy, it can cause serious long-term effects. For healthy development, children need food, clothing, safety, shelter and emotional support, especially during the early years of their lives.
                                                  • 2024 Holiday Giving Programs for Families in Need

                                                    The Salvation Army is collecting donations of holiday gifts during its Angel Tree campaign to be distributed to local families in need. A Community Christmas of Stark County will be offering holiday gift assistance with their community programs. Below is a guide of the locations and information on how families can register this holiday season.

                                                    The Salvation Army of Massillon

                                                    The Salvation Army of Massillon is accepting registration for its Christmas Assistance program.

                                                    • Navigating the Holidays and Mental Health

                                                      While the holidays are celebrated as “the happiest time of the year,” it doesn’t always feel that way. If you, or a loved one, is struggling, the holidays can be hard. If you’re feeling alone, know that there are places in Stark County where you can turn for support and help.

                                                      The Holidays and Mental Health

                                                      Struggles with mental health and the holidays can equal extra stress. Navigating the two at the same time can be difficult.

                                                      • 2-1-1 Helpline Transitions Resources to

                                                        In 2023, 2-1-1, Stark County’s helpline, transitioned to 

                                                        Closing the Stark County information system and online database—that was run by United Way of Greater Stark County—and moving resources to helps streamline the process for community members looking for resources and information.  

                                               can help you find community resources available to you and your family. The searchable community resource website is supported by Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery (StarkMHAR),

                                                        • Being Kind to Others & Yourself Can Improve Your Mental Health
                                                          Kindness is linked to mental health. And we sure could use more of it during the pandemic. Here are simple ways to add more kindness into your life.
                                                          • Removing Barriers to Owning a Small Business

                                                            StarkFresh serves the people of Stark County through a variety of ways, all in the name of their mission: “Tackling the causes of hunger by creating realistic pathways out of poverty.” Many in the county know StarkFresh for its grocery store located in downtown Canton on Cherry Ave. NE or its mobile grocery market that travels throughout the area; though the programs offered through StarkFresh go past the scope of bringing food to people in need.

                                                            • Mental Health Resources During the Coronavirus Pandemic

                                                              This year, we’ve faced a pandemic unlike anything in our lifetimes. As we get closer to a vaccine for coronavirus, many people in Stark County are still feeling the stressful effects. Fortunately, the stress response is normal during a crisis.

                                                              Are you looking for ways to manage feelings of stress and anxiety? Here are some common questions we have received related to mental health, coping with COVID-19 in the community,

                                                              Team Jesus Church

                                                              New Way Food Pantry

                                                              3rd Tuesday of the month from 5:00pm-7:00 pm (Doors open at 4:00pm)

                                                              • Photo ID is required
                                                              • Prayer and ministry support is available but not required to receive food
                                                              • Other services include toiletries (when available), lay financial counseling, and referral assistance
                                                              • Recipient’s gross household income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines
                                                              7096 Hills and Dales Rd NW
                                                              Canton, OH 44708
                                                              Phone: 330-837-5188
                                                              Phone: 330-837-5188
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Goodwill Industries

                                                              Local Goodwill organizations are innovative and sustainable social enterprises that create job training programs, employment placement and other community-based programs by selling donated clothing and household items. The Ken Weber Community Campus has walk-in services available Tuesdays and Thursdays for community resource connections. For further information on what Goodwill has to offer, please call our main campus or visit our website.

                                                              Thrift Store Locations

                                                              Main Campus: (330) 454-9461
                                                              Main Campus: (330) 454-9461
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank (Canton)

                                                              Keith D. Monda Family Food Pantry

                                                              The Foodbank is proud to serve the community with a food pantry in the Stark County Campus. Community members in need will have regular access to fresh fruits and vegetables, shelf-stable pantry items, bread and dairy products.

                                                              Order Ahead: Monday from 1pm-3pm
                                                              Visit between Friday at 2pm and Monday at 9am to place your order in advance.
                                                              Also open every Tuesday from 9am-3pm,

                                                              1365 Cherry Ave. NE
                                                              Canton, OH 44714
                                                              Phone: (330) 535-6900
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Stark County Hunger Task Force

                                                              Network of more than 30 food pantries throughout Stark County

                                                              Emergency food pantry at the Goodwill Community Campus
                                                              408 9th St SW Canton, OH 44707

                                                              Monday: 9:15am – 2:35pm
                                                              Tuesday: 9:15am – 3:35pm
                                                              Wednesday: 9:15am – 3:35pm
                                                              Thursday: 9:15am – 2:35pm
                                                              Friday: 9:15am – 1:35pm

                                                              408 9th St. SW
                                                              Suite 1637
                                                              Canton, OH 44707
                                                              Phone: (330) 455-6667
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              9:15 am - 2:35 pm
                                                              9:15 am - 3:35 pm
                                                              9:15 am - 3:35 pm
                                                              9:15 am - 2:35 pm
                                                              9:15 am - 1:35 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Alliance Community Pantry

                                                              After being met outside to register, they pull up and load their cars with a grocery basket of canned and boxed food, meat, produce, baked goods and cold food that have been gathered by pantry volunteers.

                                                              215 E. Market St.
                                                              Alliance, OH 44601
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                              4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              First Christian Church – Canton

                                                              • Common Goods clothing ministry (Common Goods is closed during certain holidays and when Plain Local Schools close due to bad weather)
                                                              • Monthly food distribution in partnership with the Akron-Canton Food Bank
                                                              • Partnered with The Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank


                                                              6852 Market Ave. N
                                                              Canton, OH 44720
                                                              Phone: 330-456-2600
                                                              Phone: 330-456-2600
                                                              Hours: Common Goods: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 11am-2pm. Every 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month: 5-7pm Food Distribution: 3rd Friday of each month: 9-11am
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank

                                                              Formerly Stark County Diaper Bank

                                                              Offer support to families in times of need by providing access to diapers through a network of community partners.

                                                              Also provide community partners with:

                                                              • Pad and Tampon Packs
                                                              • Adult Incontinence Supplies
                                                              P.O. Box 35452
                                                              Canton, OH 44735
                                                              Phone: (330) 488-7558
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Perry Helping Perry

                                                              A community-based organization that exists to provide needed support for Perry residents

                                                              Food pantry, clothing, school supplies and more

                                                              Phone: (330) 737-1281
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Clothed in Righteousness

                                                              Services include a hot meal, a free clothing closet boutique, hygiene, a bag of food for homeless individuals, an emergency box of food for housed individuals or families, and supplies for anyone homeless staying outdoors or in their vehicle.

                                                              No identification is required or appointment. Expect a small wait due to how busy we might be.

                                                              55 East Main
                                                              Alliance, OH 44601
                                                              Phone: (330) 501-8262
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                              5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                              5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                              5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Refuge of Hope

                                                              Providing meals, clothing, and medical care for men, women, and children
                                                              Also provides shelter to homeless men – call the Stark County Homeless Hotline 330-452-4363

                                                              715 2nd St.
                                                              Canton, OH 44704
                                                              Phone: (330) 453-1785
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              YWCA Alliance

                                                              We improve Alliance area women’s lives, stand up for justice, and strengthen communities with a focus on three impact areas: equipping youth, economic stability and advancement and senior nutrition and health

                                                              Provides transitional housing for women, a clothing boutique, employment and transportation assistance, youth programs, and Meals on Wheels for the senior community

                                                              239 East Market St.
                                                              Alliance, OH 44601
                                                              Phone: (330) 823-1840
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Canton City Health Department

                                                              Helping to prevent the spread of disease, promote healthy practices and protect the health of Canton City residents.

                                                              • Programs: 
                                                                • Request Narcan Kit via mail by submitting form here.
                                                                • WIC
                                                                  • Effective March 16, Canton City WIC services are by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Click here for details. **At this time, infants and children do not need to be present in our office when staff issue food benefits to your WIC Card.*
                                                                  • Temporary Location: 128 Wertz Ave.
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Salvation Army of Massillon

                                                              Serving the Massillon community:

                                                              • Hot meal program
                                                              • Food pantries
                                                              • Clothing
                                                              • Shelters
                                                              • Rent assistance
                                                              • Utility assistance
                                                              • Programs for adults and youth
                                                              • Holiday/Christmas assistance – visit to apply
                                                              315 6th St. NE
                                                              Massillon, OH 44646
                                                              Phone: (330) 833-6473
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Salvation Army of Canton

                                                              Serving the Canton community:

                                                              Hot meal program
                                                              Food pantries
                                                              Rent assistance
                                                              Utility assistance
                                                              Programs for adults and youth


                                                              420 Market Ave. S
                                                              Canton, OH 44702
                                                              Phone: (330) 453-0158
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              8:30 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Salvation Army of Alliance

                                                              Serving the Alliance community:

                                                              • Hot meal program
                                                              • Food pantries
                                                              • Clothing
                                                              • Shelters
                                                              • Rent assistance
                                                              • Utility assistance
                                                              • Programs for adults and youth
                                                              • Holiday/Christmas assistance – visit to apply
                                                              57 West Main St.
                                                              Alliance, OH 44601
                                                              Phone: (330) 823-5188
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                                                              9:00 am - 3:00 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              CommQuest Massillon

                                                              Addiction and mental health counseling, psychiatric services, case management, family housing, male residential addiction treatment, driver intervention program

                                                              Learn more

                                                              Catholic Charities

                                                              Emergency rental  assistance for Stark County residents (under 65): visit to fill out a pre-screening application 

                                                              Through tangible assistance and other essential services, Catholic Charities affirms human dignity, meets basic human needs, strengthens families, builds communities, and empowers others to transform their lives.

                                                              832 McKinley Ave NW
                                                              Suite C
                                                              Canton, OH 44703
                                                              Phone: (330) 491-0896
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 pm - 4:30 pm
                                                              8:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Stark County Job & Family Services

                                                              Report child abuse: 330-455-KIDS / 1-800-233-5437

                                                              Partner with our customers, community and other service providers to protect children and vulnerable adults, stabilize and strengthen families, and encourage self-sufficiency and personal responsibility.

                                                              • Cash assistance
                                                              • Food assistance
                                                              • Medicaid & Medical
                                                              • Non-emergency transportation – Transportation to and from Medicaid-qualified appointments, including doctor visits, dental visits, vision appointments and more.
                                                              • Child care services
                                                              • Work experience program –
                                                              221 3rd St. SE
                                                              Canton, OH 44702
                                                              Toll free: 1 (888) 698-6893
                                                              Toll free: 1 (888) 698-6893
                                                              Local: (330) 452-4661
                                                              TDD: (330) 451-8879
                                                              Hide HoursShow Hours
                                                              8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                              Learn more